“The Blue Hand” is a gripping mystery novel by British author Edgar Wallace, first published in 1930. The novel follows the investigation of a series of murders, all committed by a mysterious figure with a blue hand.
The story revolves around the eccentric millionaire John Lexman, who is wrongly accused of the murders and must clear his name. With the help of his friends and a talented detective, Lexman uncovers a web of deception, revenge, and hidden motives behind the killings.
“The Blue Hand” is a classic example of Wallace’s mastery of the mystery genre, with a fast-paced plot, intriguing characters, and unexpected twists and turns. The novel was immensely popular upon its release and has since become a cult classic, beloved by fans of detective fiction.
Overall, “The Blue Hand” is an exciting and entertaining read that will keep readers guessing until the very end. It is a must-read for anyone who loves a good mystery.
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