“Casanova’s Alibi” is a short story written by Rafael Sabatini, which tells the tale of a cunning and daring adventurer named Giacomo Casanova. The story is set in Venice in the 18th century, where Casanova finds himself caught up in a dangerous game of love and deception.
The story begins with Casanova meeting a beautiful young woman named Bianca, who is engaged to be married to a wealthy nobleman named Count Ottavio. Casanova, being the womanizer that he is, cannot resist the opportunity to seduce Bianca and convinces her to meet him in secret. However, when Bianca’s fiancé discovers their tryst, he challenges Casanova to a duel.
In order to avoid the duel, Casanova devises a clever plan. He enlists the help of a local actress named Rosalba, who poses as his lover and provides him with an alibi for the time of the illicit meeting with Bianca. Using Rosalba’s testimony, Casanova is able to convince Count Ottavio that he was with her at the time of the rendezvous and not with Bianca.
The story ends with Casanova escaping unscathed from the dangerous situation he has put himself in, thanks to his quick thinking and cunning strategy.
Overall, “Casanova’s Alibi” is an entertaining and suspenseful story that showcases Sabatini’s skill as a storyteller. It highlights the wit and charm of the legendary figure of Casanova, who is able to outsmart his adversaries with ease.
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