“Bride of the Dark One” by Florence Verbell Brown is a science fiction novel set on a planet named Gorth, which is ruled by an oppressive theocracy. The story follows a young woman named Kitti Ping, who is chosen by the Dark One, a powerful and mysterious being, to be his bride.
Kitti is taken to the Dark One’s palace, where she discovers that the Dark One is not a monster, as she had been led to believe, but a kind and gentle being. However, Kitti soon learns that the Dark One’s power is threatened by a group of fanatical priests who seek to destroy him and take control of Gorth.
As Kitti becomes more involved in the conflict between the Dark One and the priests, she begins to uncover the secrets of Gorth’s history and the true nature of the Dark One’s power. Along the way, she falls in love with the Dark One and must decide whether to stand by his side and fight for his survival or betray him to the priests.
The novel explores themes of love, power, and religious fanaticism, as well as the dangers of blindly following authority and the importance of questioning the status quo. It is a gripping and thought-provoking story that will leave readers questioning their own beliefs and the systems of power in their own lives.
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