“Accidental Death” is a mystery/thriller novel written by Peter Baily. The story follows the investigation of the death of a wealthy businessman named Richard Hunter, who is found dead at the bottom of a cliff on the coast of Cornwall, England. Initially believed to be an accidental death, Detective Inspector James Carrick is brought in to investigate and soon discovers that there are many suspects with a motive to kill Hunter.
Carrick uncovers a web of deceit and betrayal involving Hunter’s family, business associates, and even his own wife. As the investigation progresses, Carrick must navigate a dangerous landscape of lies and cover-ups to uncover the truth about Hunter’s death.
With twists and turns at every corner, “Accidental Death” keeps readers guessing until the very end. Through the skilled writing of Peter Baily, readers are immersed in a gripping mystery that explores the depths of human greed, ambition, and betrayal.
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