“Queen of the Black Coast” is a classic short story by the iconic American author Robert Ervin Howard. It was first published in the magazine “Weird Tales” in 1934 and has since become one of Howard’s most famous works.
The story follows the adventures of Conan the Barbarian, a fearless and powerful warrior who becomes entranced by the beautiful and deadly pirate queen, Belit. Together, Conan and Belit embark on a perilous journey across the seas to plunder and pillage.
As they sail the Black Coast, Conan and Belit face many dangers, including fierce battles with other pirates, deadly sea monsters, and treacherous sorcerers. Throughout their journey, Conan is torn between his love for Belit and his desire for adventure and freedom.
The story is a thrilling blend of action, romance, and supernatural horror, and showcases Howard’s mastery of the sword and sorcery genre. “Queen of the Black Coast” is widely regarded as one of the best Conan stories ever written and has influenced countless other works of fantasy and adventure.
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